Usage of Adjective clause/Relative clause
Adjective যেমন বাক্যস্থিত Noun/Pronoun এর দোষ, গুণ, অবস্থা, সংখ্যা, পরিমান, ইত্যাদি বুঝায়
অর্থাৎ Noun/Pronoun এর Modifier হিসেবে কাজ করে। তদ্রুপ Adjective Clause ও বাক্যস্থিত Noun/Pronoun গুলো সম্পর্কে বিভিন্ন তথ্যাদি দিয়ে থাকে। কিন্তু Adjective Clause গুলোও Adjective এর ন্যায়
বাক্যের অন্য কোন অংশের সাথে সরাসরি সম্পর্কিত থাকে না। শুধু যে Noun/ Pronoun টিকে Modify করে তার মাধ্যমেই বাক্যের সাথে সম্পর্কিত হয়।
আবার Noun/Pronoun গুলো বাক্যের যে অবস্থানেই থাকুক না কেন সেখানেই Adjective Clause, Noun/ Pronoun কে Modify করতে পারে। Adjective
Clause গুলোকে Relative Clause ও বলা হয়।
man can shine in life. He works hard
→The man who works hard can
shine in life.
*The mangoes are very sweet. They come from Rajshahi
→The mangoes which come from Rajshahi are sweet.
water is polluted. It flows through the pipe
→ The water that flows through the pipe is polluted.
→ The water that flows through the pipe is polluted.
know a man. He can speak three languages.
→ I know the
man who can speak three languages.
story is about a girl.
destroyed an enemy camp at the time of war.
→ The story is about a girl who destroyed an enemy
the time of war.
নিম্নে Adjective
Clause এর প্রয়োগ নিয়ে
বিস্তারিত আলোচনা করা হলো—
clause is used in a complex sentence as the following ways:
a) as
the qualifier/modifier of a subject,
b) as the qualifier of an
object/a complement,
c) as the qualifier of an object of a preposition,
and so on.
c) as the qualifier of an object of a preposition,
and so on.
a) Adjective/
relative clause is used in a complex sentence as the qualifier/modifier of a
RwUj ev‡K¨ subject Gi qualifier/ modifier wn‡m‡e Adjective clause e¨eüZ
nq †hgb ―
The teacher who helped you last night is known to me.
গত রাতে যে শিক্ষক তোমায় সাহায্য করেছিল সে আমার পরিচিত।
গত রাতে যে শিক্ষক তোমায় সাহায্য করেছিল সে আমার পরিচিত।
** এ বাক্যে Principal clause হলোঃ The teacher is
known to me.
আবার Principal clause এর Subject, The
teacher এর Modifier হিসেবে Adjective clause: who
helped you last night বসেছে।
যা শিক্ষক
সম্পর্কে পরিচিতি প্রদান করেছে। আবার
পরিচিতি প্রদানকারী Adjective/Relative clause কে Defining Relative
clause বলা হয় যা কমা
দ্বারা Principal clause থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন থাকে না।
যা ১ নং বাক্যে
দেখা যাচ্ছে।
The man who is a teacher helped you last night.
যে লোকটি গতরাতে তোমায় সাহায্য করেছিলেন তিনি একজন শিক্ষক।
যে লোকটি গতরাতে তোমায় সাহায্য করেছিলেন তিনি একজন শিক্ষক।
** এ বাক্যে Principal clause হলো―
The man helped you last
আবার Principal clause এর Subject, The man এর Modifier হিসেবে Adjective/Relative
clause: who is a teacher বসেছে।
যা লোকটি কে
সংজ্ঞায়িত করেছে অর্থাৎ লোকটির পরিচিতি তুলে ধরেছে। আবার সংজ্ঞা বা পরিচিতি প্রদানকারী Adjective/Relative clause কে Defining Relative
clause বলা হয়। যা Principal clause থেকে কমা দ্বারা বিচ্ছিন্ন থাকে না।
যা ২ নং বাক্যে
দেখা যাচ্ছে।
My brother Karim, who’s a doctor, lives in Canada .
আমার ভাই করিম
যে একজন ডাক্তার কানাডায় বাস করে।
Principal clause: My
brother Karim lives in Canada .
Adjective/Relative clause: who is a doctor (Non-defining clause) and it has modified the subject
of Principal clause ‘My brother Karim’. এখানে My brother Karim,
Subject এর পরিচিতি
আগেই পেয়েছি তাই Relative clause টি ‘আমার ভাই করিম’ সম্পর্কে অতিরিক্ত তথ্য প্রদান
করেছে। এইটি একটি Non-defining clause. তাই Relative clause টি বাক্যের মূল অংশ থেকে কমা দ্বারা বিচ্ছিন্ন থাকে। 3 নং বাক্যের মত।
― Raymond & Murphy and Liz
&John Soar
& non-defining clause.)
Our teacher Mr. Sarawer, who taught us English, has left the country.
আমাদের শিক্ষক সারোয়ার সাহেব যিনি আমাদের ইংরেজি পড়াইতেন তিনি দেশ ছেড়ে চলে গেছেন।
আমাদের শিক্ষক সারোয়ার সাহেব যিনি আমাদের ইংরেজি পড়াইতেন তিনি দেশ ছেড়ে চলে গেছেন।
Principal clause: Our
teacher Mr. Sarawer has left the country.
Non-defining Adjective/Relative clause: who taught us English and it has modified the subject of Principal clause ‘The teacher’. Non-defining Adjective/Relative clause টি এ বাক্যে দু’টি comma দ্বারা বিচ্ছিন্ন আছে।
Non-defining Adjective/Relative clause: who taught us English and it has modified the subject of Principal clause ‘The teacher’. Non-defining Adjective/Relative clause টি এ বাক্যে দু’টি comma দ্বারা বিচ্ছিন্ন আছে।
5. The student who reads
attentively can’t fail in the exam.
যে ছাত্র মনোযোগসহ পড়ে সে পরীক্ষায় ফেল করতে পারে না।
যে ছাত্র মনোযোগসহ পড়ে সে পরীক্ষায় ফেল করতে পারে না।
Principal clause: The
student can’t fail in the exam.
Defining adjective/relative clause: who reads attentively.
Defining adjective/relative clause: who reads attentively.
And it has modified the
subject of Principal clause ‘The student’.
Explain the followings as
The man who works hard can prosper in life.
The mangoes which come from Rajshahi are sweet.
8. The water that flows through the pipe is polluted.
9. The dead body which was found last night has been identified.
8. The water that flows through the pipe is polluted.
9. The dead body which was found last night has been identified.
The dead body, which has been identified, was found last night.
11. The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
12. The machine which broke down yesterday has now been repaired.
13. Everything that happened was my fault.
14. The man who answered the phone told me you were away.
15. The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatience.
16. The people who were arrested have now been released.
17. The building which/that was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.
18. The man who was arrested last night has now been released.
19. The man who lives next door is very friendly.
20. Anyone who wants to do the exam must enter before next Friday
11. The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
12. The machine which broke down yesterday has now been repaired.
13. Everything that happened was my fault.
14. The man who answered the phone told me you were away.
15. The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatience.
16. The people who were arrested have now been released.
17. The building which/that was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.
18. The man who was arrested last night has now been released.
19. The man who lives next door is very friendly.
20. Anyone who wants to do the exam must enter before next Friday
The man who works hard can prosper in life.
যে লোক কঠোর
পরিশ্রম করে সে জীবনে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়।
Principal clause: The man
can prosper in life.
Defining adjective/relative clause: who works hard.
Defining adjective/relative clause: who works hard.
it has modified the subject of Principal clause ‘The man.
The mangoes which come from Rajshahi are sweet.
যে আমগুলো
রাজশাহী থেকে আসে সে গুলো মিষ্টি।
Principal clause: The
mangoes are sweet.
Defining adjective/relative clause:which come from Rajshahi.
Defining adjective/relative clause:which come from Rajshahi.
it has modified the subject of Principal clause ‘The mangoes.
8. The water that flows through the pipe is polluted.
যে পানি পাইপের
মধ্যদিয়ে প্রবাহিত হয় তা দূষিত।
Principal clause: The
water is polluted.
Defining adjective/relative clause:that flows through the pipe.
Defining adjective/relative clause:that flows through the pipe.
And it has modified the subject of Principal
clause‘The water’.
The dead body which was found last night has been identified. গতরাতে যে মৃতদেহটি পাওয়া গিয়েছিল সেটি সনাক্ত হয়েছে।
Principal clause: The
dead body has been identified.
Defining adjective/relative clause:which was found last night.
Defining adjective/relative clause:which was found last night.
And it has modified the subject of Principal
clause ‘The dead body’.
The dead body, which has been identified, was found last night. যে মৃতদেহটি সনাক্ত হয়েছে সেটি গতরাতে পাওয়া গিয়েছিল।
Principal clause: The dead body was found last night.
Non-defining adjective/relative clause: which has been identified and it has modified the subject of Principal clause ‘The dead body’. এখানে Subordinating clause টি Non-defining adjective/relative clause হওয়ায় এটি মূল Sentence থেকে কমা দ্বারা বিচ্ছিন্ন থাকে।
Principal clause: The dead body was found last night.
Non-defining adjective/relative clause: which has been identified and it has modified the subject of Principal clause ‘The dead body’. এখানে Subordinating clause টি Non-defining adjective/relative clause হওয়ায় এটি মূল Sentence থেকে কমা দ্বারা বিচ্ছিন্ন থাকে।
The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
যে মহিলাটি
পরের ঘরটিতে বাস করে সে একজন ডাক্তার।
Principal clause: The woman is a doctor.
Defining adjective/relative clause: who lives next door.
Principal clause: The woman is a doctor.
Defining adjective/relative clause: who lives next door.
And it has modified the subject of Principal
clause ‘The woman’.
The machine which broke down yesterday has now been repaired.
Principal clause: The machine has now been repaired.
Principal clause: The machine has now been repaired.
Defining adjective/relative
which broke down yesterday and it has modified the
subject of Principal clause ‘The machine’.
Everything that happened was my fault.
যা কিছু ঘটেছিল
প্রত্যেকটাই ছিল আমার অপরাধ।
Principal clause: Everything
was my fault.
Defining adjective/relative
that happened
and it has modified the subject of Principal clause ‘Everything’.
14. The man who answered the phone told me you were away.
যে লোকটি আমার ফোনের জবাব দিয়েছিল সে বলছিল তুমি দূরে ছিলে।
Principal clause: The man
told me you were away.
Defining adjective/relative
clause: who
answered the phone
and it has modified the subject of Principal clause ‘The man’.
The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatience. যে পরিচারকটি আমাদের সেবা দিয়েছিল সে ছিল চরম অভদ্র এবং
Principal clause: The
waitress was very impolite and impatience.
Defining adjective/relative
clause: who
served us and it has modified the
subject of Principal clause ‘The waitress’.
16. The people who were arrested have now been released.
যে লোকগুলো গ্রেপ্তার হয়েছিল তারা এখন মুক্ত হয়েছে।
Principal clause: The
people have now been released.
Defining adjective/relative
clause: who
were arrested and it has modified the
subject of Principal clause ‘The people’.
The building which/that was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt. যে ভবনটি আগুনে ধ্বংস হয়েছিল তা এখন পুনঃনির্মাণ হয়েছে।
Principal clause: The building has now been rebuilt.
Defining adjective/relative
which/that was destroyed in the fire
and it has
modified the subject of Principal clause ‘The
18. The man who was arrested last night has now been released. যে লোকটি গতরাতে গ্রেপ্তার হয়েছিল সে এখন মুক্ত হয়েছে।
Principal clause: The man has now been released.
Defining adjective/relative
clause: who
was arrested last night and it has modified the
subject of Principal clause ‘The man’.
The man who lives next door is very friendly.
যে লোকটি পরবর্তী ঘরে বাস করে সে খুব বন্ধুবাৎসল্য।
যে লোকটি পরবর্তী ঘরে বাস করে সে খুব বন্ধুবাৎসল্য।
Principal clause: The man is very friendly.
Defining adjective/relative
clause: who
lives next door and it has modified the
subject of Principal clause ‘The man’.
Anyone who wants to do the exam must enter before next Friday. যে কেউ পরীক্ষা দিতে চাইলে আগামি শুক্রবারের পুর্বে প্রবেশ করতে হবে।
Principal clause: Anyone must enter before next Friday.
Principal clause: Anyone must enter before next Friday.
Defining adjective/relative
clause: who
wants to do the exam and it has modified the
subject of Principal clause ‘Anyone’.
Join the
following pair of sentences into a complex sentence by using relative
His uncle Mr. Rab lives in Khulna .
He is an English teacher.
uncle Mr. Rab, who is an English teacher, lives in Khulna .
His uncle Mr. Rab, who lives in Khulna ,
is an English teacher.
Grammatical explanation:
এখানে দু’টি বাক্যের Subject
অভিন্ন ব্যক্তি হওয়ায় যে কোন একটির Subject কে Relative
pronoun দ্বারা Replacement করে Sentence টিকে Relative clause এ turn করতে হয়। তারপর Relative clause টিকে অপর বাক্যের Subject (Noun) এর modifier হিসেবে বসাতে হবে। আবার উক্ত বাক্যের Subject,
His uncle Mr. Rab এর পরিচয় আগেই পাওয়াতে Relative clause টি Non-defining Relative clause হিসেবে বিবেচিত হবে এবং সামনে-পিছে দূ’টো কমা দ্বারা বাক্যের main
flow থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন থাকবে। যা উক্ত বাক্যে দেখানো হলো।
― Raymond & Murphy
And Liz
&John Soar
& non-defining clause.)
2. Shova’s sister is an
athlete. She plays for Brothers Union.
Shova’s sister, who plays
for Brothers Union, is an athlete.
Or, Shova’s sister, who is
an athlete, plays for Brothers Union.
3. Rasel works as a
tourist guide. He can speak English, Bengali, Spanish, and French.
Rasel, who can speak English, Bengali, Spanish, and
works as a tourist guide.
Rasel, who works as a tourist guide, can speak
English, Bengali, Spanish, and French.
4. Salam was in a very bad
mood. His car had broken down in the morning.
Salam, whose car had
broken down in the morning, was in a very bad mood.
The man was away on holiday. l wanted to
see him
এখানে বাক্য দু’টির Subject ভিন্ন ভিন্ন কিন্তু ১ম বাক্যের Subject ২য় বাক্যের Object. তাই ২য় বাক্যের Object টিকে Relative pronoun এ Turn করে যেমন him এর স্থলে whom/ who লিখে ২য় বাক্যের শুরুতে বসিয়ে ২য় বাক্যটিকে Relative clause এ Turn করতে হবে। এবং ১ম বাক্যের Subject এর Modifier হিসেবে বসিয়ে Complex Sentence টি গঠন করতে হবে। যেমন―
এখানে বাক্য দু’টির Subject ভিন্ন ভিন্ন কিন্তু ১ম বাক্যের Subject ২য় বাক্যের Object. তাই ২য় বাক্যের Object টিকে Relative pronoun এ Turn করে যেমন him এর স্থলে whom/ who লিখে ২য় বাক্যের শুরুতে বসিয়ে ২য় বাক্যটিকে Relative clause এ Turn করতে হবে। এবং ১ম বাক্যের Subject এর Modifier হিসেবে বসিয়ে Complex Sentence টি গঠন করতে হবে। যেমন―
man whom/who l wanted to see was away on holiday.
এখানে উল্লেখ
থাকে যে আধুনিক English এ who ব্যবহার হয়।
আবার যখন কোন
বাক্যের Object কে Relative pronoun এ Turn করে Relative clause গঠন করা হয় এবং Complex Sentence এর Subject এর Modifier হিসেবে বসে তখন Relative
Pronoun টি উহ্য থাকতে
পারে। যেমন―
The man was away on holiday. l wanted to see him.
The man was away on holiday. l wanted to see him.
Relative clause: ‘who I
wanted to see’
→The man I wanted to see was away on holiday.
→The man I wanted to see was away on holiday.
Thus we can say:
6. The dress doesn’t fit her. Ann bought it.
6. The dress doesn’t fit her. Ann bought it.
Relative clause: ‘that Ann
→The dress that Ann bought doesn’t fit her.
or, The dress Ann bought doesn’t fits her.
→The dress that Ann bought doesn’t fit her.
or, The dress Ann bought doesn’t fits her.
The bed wasn’t very comfortable. I slept
on it last night
Relative Clause: which/that I slept on last night
Relative Clause: which/that I slept on last night
→The bed
which/that I slept on last night wasn’t very comfortable.
or, The bed I slept on last night wasn’t very comfortable.
or, The bed I slept on last night wasn’t very comfortable.
Are these the keys? You are looking for
Relative clause: ‘that/which you are looking for’
Relative clause: ‘that/which you are looking for’
→ Are
these the keys that/which you are
looking for?
or, Are these the keys you are looking for?
or, Are these the keys you are looking for?
The building was damaged. They destroyed it.
Relative Pronon: ‘which/that they destroyed’
→ The
building which/that they destroyed was damaged.
The building they destroyed was damaged.
Some of my guest couldn’t’ come.
I invited them to the party
Relative clause: ‘who I invited to the party’
→ Some
of my guest who I invited to the party couldn’t’ come.
or, Some of my guest I invited to the party couldn’t’ come.
or, Some of my guest I invited to the party couldn’t’ come.
I’ve got a brother called Rab.
He lives in Chittagong . He is an engineer.
Non-defining relative
‘who lives in Chittagong ’
→ My brother Rab, who lives in Chittagong , is an
12. John is one of my
closest friends.
I’ve known him for a very long time.
Non-defining relative clause:
‘(who) I’ve
known for a very long time’
→ John, who I’ve known for a very
long time, is one of my closest
Or, John, I’ve known for a very long time, is one of my closest friends
A lot of people applied for a job.
Few of them had the necessary
Defining relative clause: ‘who applied for the job’
Defining relative clause: ‘who applied for the job’
→ Few of the people who
applied for the job had the necessary qualification.
* In some of these sentences
you don’t need relative pronoun: which, who or that. If you don’t need relative
pronoun put them in brackets like this.
people (who) we met at the party were very friendly.
1. The man who lives next door is a journalist.
2. The people who work in the office are very friendly.
3. The people who I was talking to were very friendly.
4. Some of the people who I invited to the party couldn’t’ come.
5. The car that/ which we had hired broke down after a few miles.
1. The man who lives next door is a journalist.
2. The people who work in the office are very friendly.
3. The people who I was talking to were very friendly.
4. Some of the people who I invited to the party couldn’t’ come.
5. The car that/ which we had hired broke down after a few miles.
The mango which/ that I have eaten isn’t sweet.
7. The mangoes which/that come for Rajshahi are sweet.
8. The building which/that was destroyed has now been rebuilt.
9. The building which/that they have rebuilt was damaged.
7. The mangoes which/that come for Rajshahi are sweet.
8. The building which/that was destroyed has now been rebuilt.
9. The building which/that they have rebuilt was damaged.
The boy who you helped yesterday is disgrateful.
The man who lives next door is a journalist.
যে লোকটা
পরবর্তী ঘরে থাকে সে একজন সাংবাদিক।
2. The people who work in the office are very friendly.
2. The people who work in the office are very friendly.
যে লোকগুলো
অফিসে কাজ করে তারা বেশ বন্ধু বাৎসল্য।
3. The people (who) I was talking to were very friendly.
3. The people (who) I was talking to were very friendly.
আমি যে
লোকগুলোর সাথে কথা বলছিলাম তারা বেশ বন্ধু বাৎসল্য।
4. Some of the people (who) I invited to the party couldn’t’ come. কিছু লোক যাদের আমি দাওয়াত করেছিলাম তারা অনুষ্ঠানে আসতে পারেনি।
5. The car (that/ which) we had hired broke down after a few miles. আমরা যে গাড়িটি ভাড়া করেছিলাম সেটি কয়েক মাইল পর নষ্ট হয়ে গিয়েছিল।
4. Some of the people (who) I invited to the party couldn’t’ come. কিছু লোক যাদের আমি দাওয়াত করেছিলাম তারা অনুষ্ঠানে আসতে পারেনি।
5. The car (that/ which) we had hired broke down after a few miles. আমরা যে গাড়িটি ভাড়া করেছিলাম সেটি কয়েক মাইল পর নষ্ট হয়ে গিয়েছিল।
The mango (which/ that) I have eaten isn’t sweet.
আমি যে আমটি খেয়েছি সেটি মিষ্টি না।
7. The mangoes which/that come for Rajshahi are sweet.
রাজশাহী থেকে যে আমগুলো আসে সেগুলো মিষ্টি।
7. The mangoes which/that come for Rajshahi are sweet.
রাজশাহী থেকে যে আমগুলো আসে সেগুলো মিষ্টি।
The building which/that was destroyed has now been rebuilt.
যে ভবনটি ধ্বংস হয়ে গিয়েছিল সেটি পুণঃনির্মাণ করা হয়েছে।
যে ভবনটি ধ্বংস হয়ে গিয়েছিল সেটি পুণঃনির্মাণ করা হয়েছে।
The building (which/that) they have rebuilt was damaged.
যে ভবনটি তারা
পুণঃনির্মান করেছে সেটি নষ্ট হয়ে গিয়েছিল।
The boy (who) you helped yesterday is ungrateful.
গতকাল তুমি যে বালকটিকে সাহায্য করেছিলে সে খুবই
b) Adjective clause is used in a complex sentence as
the qualifier of an object/a complement:
RwUj ev‡K¨ object/ complement Gi qualifier wn‡m‡e adjective clause e¨eüZ nq †hgb ―
RwUj ev‡K¨ object/ complement Gi qualifier wn‡m‡e adjective clause e¨eüZ nq †hgb ―
1. An
architect is someone who designs buildings.
স্থাপত্যকৌশলী হলো যে ভবনের নক্সা তৈরি করে।
এখানে Relative clause হলো ‘who designs
building’ এবং এটি Principal clause এর Complement, someone
কে Modify করেছে।
অর্থাৎ Complement, someone সম্পর্কে আরো কিছু বর্ণনা দেয়।
Defining relative clause:‘who designs building’ and it is used as the modifier
of the complement of complex sentence ‘someone’.
2. I
don’t like stories that have unhappy endings.
আমি সে
গল্পগুলো পছন্দ করি না যেগুলোর সমাপ্তি সুখের নয়।
Defining relative clause:‘that have unhappy endings’ and it is used as the
modifier of the object of complex sentence ‘stories’.
Do you know the man who lives next door?
পরের ঘরটিতে যে থাকে সে লোকটিকে তুমি কি চেনো?
পরের ঘরটিতে যে থাকে সে লোকটিকে তুমি কি চেনো?
Defining relative clause: ‘who lives next door’ and it is used as
the modifier of the object of complex sentence ‘the man’.
4. The police have caught the men who stole my
Defining relative clause: ‘who stole my car’ and it is used as the modifier of the object of complex sentence ‘the men’.
Defining relative clause: ‘who stole my car’ and it is used as the modifier of the object of complex sentence ‘the men’.
5. Alexander Bell was the man, who invented the
Non-defining relative clause: ‘who invented the telephone’ and it is used as the modifier of the object of complex sentence ‘the man’.
Non-defining relative clause: ‘who invented the telephone’ and it is used as the modifier of the object of complex sentence ‘the man’.
As above try to find out the
relative clause and explain which word it modifies.
6. A mystery is something
which/that cannot be explained.
7. A dictionary is a book which/that gives you the meaning of words.
8. I don’t like the people who are never on time.
9. The earth may be only planed, that/which can support life.
10. Where is the cheese that was in the fridge?
11. Have you found the keys (that) you lost yesterday?
12. Is there anything (that) I can do?
7. A dictionary is a book which/that gives you the meaning of words.
8. I don’t like the people who are never on time.
9. The earth may be only planed, that/which can support life.
10. Where is the cheese that was in the fridge?
11. Have you found the keys (that) you lost yesterday?
12. Is there anything (that) I can do?
Join the
following pair of sentence into a complex sentence:
Tom is talking to a woman. Do you know her?
Defining relative clause: ‘who Tom is talking to’
→Do you know the woman who Tom is talking to?
Or, Do you know the woman Tom is talking to?
Or, Do you know the woman Tom is talking to?
I had the money. I gave her all the money.
Defining relative clause: ‘that
I had’.
→ I gave her all the money that I had.
I gave her all the money I had.
You lost the pen yesterday. Have you found it?
Defining relative clause: ‘that/which you lost
→Have you found the pen that/which you lost yesterday?
Or, Have you found the pen you lost yesterday?
Or, Have you found the pen you lost yesterday?
Is there anything? I can do it.
Defining relative clause: ‘that/which I can do’
→ Is there anything that/which
I can do?
Or, Is there anything I can do?
Or, Is there anything I can do?
Where is my cell phone? I put it on the table.
Non-defining relative clause:
I put on the table’
→Where is my cell phone, that I put on the table?
Or, Where is my cell phone, I put on the table?
6. I went to see the doctor. He told me to rest for
few days.
Non-def. relative clause:
‘who told me to rest for few days.
→ I went to see the doctor, who told me to rest for
few days.
7. I’ve found the book now. I was looking for it
relative clause: (that/which) I was looking for morning’
→ Now I’ve found the book that/which I was looking for
Or, Now I’ve found the book I was looking for morning.
**এখানে উল্লেখ
থাকে যে the book হলো antecedent এবং ‘that/which I was looking for
morning’ হলো antecedent এর modifier. আর এদের মধ্যবর্তী স্থানে অন্য কোন শব্দ বা কোন Adverb কিংবা Adverbial modifier বসতে পারবে না। তাই ‘now’ Adverb of time, modifier টি বাক্যের শুরুতে বসেছে।
8. We stayed at a hotel in
Sylhet. You recommended it.
relative clause: which/that you
→ In Sylhet we stayed
at the hotel which/ that you recommended.
Or, In Sylhet we stayed
at the hotel you recommended.
9. We stayed at the Park
hotel in Sylhet. You recommended it.
Non-Def. relative clause: which/that you recommended.
→ In Sylhet we stayed
at the Park hotel, which/ that you recommended.
Or, In Sylhet we stayed
at the Park hotel, you recommended.
** 8 নং বাক্যে hotel টির পরিচয় relative clause টি দিয়েছে তাই এটি Defining
relative clause কিন্তু 9
নং বাক্যে hotel
টির পরিচিতি আগেই পেয়ে গিয়েছি এবং relative
clause টি hotel সম্পর্কে extra information দিয়েছে তাই এটি Non-defining
relative clause যা কমা দ্বারা main clause থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন আছে। এখানে দেখা যাচ্ছে যে গঠনের দিক থেকে Defining relative clause এবং
Non-defining relative clause এর মধ্যে কোন পার্থক্য নেই বরং বাক্যে ভূমিকাতেই শুধু
10. Amy showed me a
photograph of a person. He’s a policeman.
relative clause: ‘who is a policeman’
→ Amy showed me a
photograph of a person who’s a policeman.
11. Amy showed me a photograph of her son. He’s a
relative clause: ‘who is a policeman’
→ Amy showed me a
photograph of her son, who’s a policeman.
man lives next door. Do you know him?
Def. relative clause: ‘Who lives next door’
→ Do you know the man who
lives next door?
13. A man called Zahid lives next door. Do you know him?
Non-def. relative clause: ‘Who lives next door’
→ Do you know the man called
Zahid, who lives next door?
A dictionary is a book. It gives you the meaning of words.
Def. relative clause: ‘which/that gives you the meaning of words’
→ A dictionary is a book
which/that gives you the meaning
A car had been bought last year. Did you damage it?
Def. relative clause: ‘that had been bought last
→ Did you damage the car that
had been bought last year?
It was the worst one. I have ever seen the films.
Def. relative clause: ‘that I have ever seen’
→ It was the worst film that I
have ever seen.
17. The thing has ever happened to me. It was the worst one.
Def. relative clause: ‘that has ever happened to
→ It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
My mother bought me a dress last year. I like it.
relative clause: ‘that my mother bought me last year’
→ I like the dress that my mother bought me last year.
The black dress was bought for you. Do you like it?
relative clause: ‘that was bought for you’
you like the black dress, that was bought for you?
c) Adjective clause is used in a complex sentence as
the modifier/qualifier of an object of a
RwUj ev‡K¨ preposition এর object Gi Modifier wn‡m‡e adjective/relatibe clause e¨eüZ nq †hgb ―
RwUj ev‡K¨ preposition এর object Gi Modifier wn‡m‡e adjective/relatibe clause e¨eüZ nq †hgb ―
1. Rahim
works for a company. It makes washing
→Rahim works for a company that makes washing
রহিম একটি কোম্পানিতে কাজ করে সেটি ওয়াশিং মেশিন প্রস্তুত করে।
রহিম একটি কোম্পানিতে কাজ করে সেটি ওয়াশিং মেশিন প্রস্তুত করে।
Relative clause: ‘that makes washing machine’ and it modifies the noun ‘company’. It is
used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘for’.
অর্থাৎ ‘that makes washing machine’ Relative clause টি main clause এ preposition ‘for’ এর object ‘company’ কে modify করেছে বা এর সম্পর্কে ধারনা দিয়েছে।
5. He
works for a company. It produces man’s
→He works for a company that produces man’s shoes.
→He works for a company that produces man’s shoes.
সে একটি
কোম্পানিতে কাজ করে সেটি পুরুষের জুতা উৎপাদন করে।
Relative clause: ‘that
produces man’s shoes’ and it modifies
the noun ‘company’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition
6. Rana
works in a shop. It sells garments.
→Rana works in a shop that sells garments.
রানা একটি দোকানে কাজ করে সেটি পোষাক বিক্রয় করে।
রানা একটি দোকানে কাজ করে সেটি পোষাক বিক্রয় করে।
Relative clause: ‘that
sells garments’ and it modifies the noun
‘shop’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘in’.
7. The
book is about a girl. She ran away from home.
→The book is about a girl who ran away from home.
এই বইটি হলো একজন বালিকাকে নিয়ে যে বাড়ি থেকে পালিয়ে গিয়েছিল।
Relative clause: ‘who
ran away from home’ and it modifies the noun
‘girl’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘about’.
8. What
was the name of the horse? It won the race.
→What was the name of the horse that/which won the race?
→What was the name of the horse that/which won the race?
ঘোড়াটির নাম কি ছিল যেটি প্রতিযোগিতায় বিজয়ী হয়েছিল?
Relative clause: ‘that/which
won the race’ and it modifies the noun
‘horse’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘of’.
9. Colin told me about his new job. He is enjoying it very much.
9. Colin told me about his new job. He is enjoying it very much.
→ Colin told me about his new job, that he is enjoying very much. কলিন আমাকে তার নতুন চাকুরি সম্পর্কে বলছিল যে সে এটা যথেষ্ট উপভোগ করছে।
Non-def. relative clause: ‘that he is enjoying very much’
and it modifies the noun ‘job’. It is used in the main clause as the object of
preposition ‘about’.
The picture was on the wall. What has
happened to it?
→What has happened to the picture that/which was on the wall? যে ছবিটা দেয়ালে ছিল সেটার কি হয়েছে?
Relative clause: ‘that/which was on the wall’ and it modifies the noun ‘picture’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘to’.
→What has happened to the picture that/which was on the wall? যে ছবিটা দেয়ালে ছিল সেটার কি হয়েছে?
Relative clause: ‘that/which was on the wall’ and it modifies the noun ‘picture’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘to’.
The man lent you the money. What was the name of him?
→ What was the name of the man who lent you the money?
→ What was the name of the man who lent you the money?
যে লোকটা
তোমাকে টাকা ধার দিয়েছিল তাঁর নাম কি?
Relative clause: ‘who lent you the money’ and it modifies the noun ‘man’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘of’.
Relative clause: ‘who lent you the money’ and it modifies the noun ‘man’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘of’.
You’re going to watch a film .What is the name of it?
→ What is the name of the film that/which you’re going
to watch? তোমরা যে ফিল্মটা দেখতে যাচ্ছ এটার নাম কি?
Relative clause: ‘that/which you’re going to watch’ and it modifies the noun ‘film’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘of’.
Relative clause: ‘that/which you’re going to watch’ and it modifies the noun ‘film’. It is used in the main clause as the object of preposition ‘of’.
** Non-defining
relative clause with ‘Preposition + Relative peonoun’:
1. Mr.
Rahman is very interested in our proposal.
I talked to him at the meeting.
Non-def. relative clause: ‘to whom I talked at the
‘who I talked to at the meeting’
→Mr. Rahman , to whom I talked at the meeting, is
very interested in our proposal.
Mr. Rahman , who I talked to at the meeting, is very interested in our
আমি সভায় যার
সাথে কথা বলেছিলাম তিনি রহমান সাহেব, আমাদের প্রস্তাবে অতি আগ্রহী।
Fortunately we had a map. Without it we would have got lost.
Non-def. relative clause: ‘without which we would have
got lost’
→Fortunately we had a map, without which we would
have got lost. ভাগ্যক্রমে
আমাদের একটি ম্যাপ ছিল, যা না থাকলে আমরা হারিয়ে যেতে পারতাম।
3. This
is my friend from Canada . I was telling you about him before.
Non-def. relative clause: ‘about whom I was telling
you before’
→This is my friend from Canada , about whom I was telling
you before.এ আমার বন্ধু
কানাডা থেকে এসেছে, যার সম্পর্কে আমি তোমাকে আগে বলেছিলাম।
My friend is from Canada . I was telling you about him before.
Non-def. relative clause: ‘about whom I was telling
you before’
→My friend, about whom I was telling you before, is
from Canada . আমি তোমাকে আমার যে বন্ধু সম্পর্কে আগে বলেছিলাম, সে কানাডা থেকে এসেছে। .
4. Marry has three brothers.
All of them are married.
Non-def. relative clause: ‘all of whom are married’
→ Marry has three brothers, all of whom are married.
মেরির তিন ভাই
যারা সবাই বিবাহিত।
5. They asked me a lot of
questions. I couldn’t answer most of them.
Non-def. relative clause: ‘most of which I couldn’t
→ They asked me a lot of questions, most of which I
couldn’t answer. তারা আমাকে
অনেকগুলো প্রশ্ন করলো, যার অধিকাংশ আমি উত্তর দিতে পারিনি।
6. Martin tried on three jackets.
None of them fitted him.
Non-def. relative clause: ‘none of which fitted him’
→ Martin tried on three jackets, none of which fitted
মতিন তিনটা
জেকেট গায়ে দিল, যার একটিও তার ফিট হয় না।
Two men came into the office.
I had seen neither of one before,
Non-def. relative clause: ‘neither of whom I had seen
→Two men, neither of whom I had seen before, came into
the office.
They have got three cars. They rarely
use two of them.
Non-def. relative clause: ‘two of which they rarely
use. ’
→They have got three cars,
two of which they rarely use.
তাদের তিনটি
গাড়ি আছে, যার দু’টো খুব কম ব্যবহার করে।
9. We stayed at a beautiful
hotel. I can’t remember the name of that
Non-def. relative clause:
‘the name of which I can’t
remember now’
→We stayed at a beautiful hotel, the name of which I
can’t remember now. আমরা একটি
সুন্দর হোটেলে ছিলাম, যার নাম আমি এখন মনে করতে পারিনা।
** They have got three
cars. এখানে ‘have
got’ Present Simple Tense এ Verb এর একটি বিশেষ গঠন।
অর্থাৎ They have got three cars. এবং They have three cars. একই অর্থ ব্যক্ত করে। পার্থক্য হলো ১ম বাক্যে have হলো Auxiliary verb এবং ২য় বাক্যে have
হলো Principal verb.
আবার এদের Negative বা Interrogative করলে নিম্ন্রূপ হবে―
They have got three cars.
Negative: They haven’t got
three cars.
Interrogative: Have they
got three cars?
They have three cars.
They don’t have three cars.
Do the have three cars.
― Liz
& John Soars.
Now you try to
explain the followings:
the following sentences and in each sentences
a) find out the adjective/relative clauses.
b) say which word it modifies in the main clause.
in the case of non-defining clause use the punctuation mark properly.
Are these the keys (that/which) you are looking for?
2. Everything (that) they said was true.
3. My brother Shahed who’s a doctor lives inCanada .
2. Everything (that) they said was true.
3. My brother Shahed who’s a doctor lives in
The teacher who taught us English has left the country.
5. The student who reads attentively can’t fail in the exam.
6. The man who works hard can prosper in life.
5. The student who reads attentively can’t fail in the exam.
6. The man who works hard can prosper in life.
The mangoes which/that come from Rajshahi are sweet.
8. The water that flows through the pipe is polluted.
9. The dead body which/that was found last night has
8. The water that flows through the pipe is polluted.
9. The dead body which/that was found last night has
been identified.
The dead body which/that has been identified was
found last night.
11. The woman by name Safia who lives next door is a doctor.
12. The machine which broke down has now been repaired.
13. Everything that happened was my fault.
14. The man who answered the phone told me you were away.
15. The waitress by name Alam who served us was very
11. The woman by name Safia who lives next door is a doctor.
12. The machine which broke down has now been repaired.
13. Everything that happened was my fault.
14. The man who answered the phone told me you were away.
15. The waitress by name Alam who served us was very
impolite and impatience.
16. The people who/that were arrested have now been released.
17. The buildingTareque
Plaza which/ that was
destroyed in
16. The people who/that were arrested have now been released.
17. The building
the fire has now been rebuilt.
18. The man who/that was arrested have now been released.
19. The building which that was destroyed in the fire has now
18. The man who/that was arrested have now been released.
19. The building which that was destroyed in the fire has now
been rebuilt.
20. The man who/that lives next door is friendly.
21. Anyone who wants to take the exam must enter before
20. The man who/that lives next door is friendly.
21. Anyone who wants to take the exam must enter before
next Friday
22. My friend Arif who l wanted to see was away on holiday.
Or, My friend Arif I wanted to see was away on holiday.
23. The dress that Ann bought doesn’t fit her.
Or, The dress Ann bought doesn’t fit her.
22. My friend Arif who l wanted to see was away on holiday.
Or, My friend Arif I wanted to see was away on holiday.
23. The dress that Ann bought doesn’t fit her.
Or, The dress Ann bought doesn’t fit her.
24. The bed that I slept in
last night wasn’t very comfortable.
Or, The bed I slept in last night wasn’t very comfortable.
Or, The bed I slept in last night wasn’t very comfortable.
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