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Present Participle as the pre-modifier

**Present Participle as the pre-modifier: (attributive use)
1. A sleeping lion can’t catch a prey.
Present participle: sleeping. It modifies the noun ‘lion’ and
used attributively before the noun ‘lion’ as pre-modifier.

2. Don’t disturb the sleeping baby. Present participle: sleeping. It modifies the noun ‘baby’ and
used attributively before the noun ‘baby’ as pre-modifier.

3. The hunter looked at the flying bird. Present participle: flying. It modifies the noun ‘bird’ and
used attributively before the noun ‘bird’ as pre-modifier.

** Now, you have to find out the present participle in the following sentences and explain which word it modifies in the sentence:
4. A rolling stone gather no moss.
5. The beauty of the rising sun charms all.
6. Give me some writing paper.
7. It is a singing bird.
8. Don’t get on a running bus.
9. A barking dog seldom bites.
10. I love the noise of falling rain.
11. I saw a flying bird.
12. This is an interesting story.
13. He has a pleasing behaviour.
14. It is a charming scenery.
15. Don’t touch a moving fan. 


  1. Don't get into a running bus. (pre-modifier)

  2. 1.Everyone believes an honest person. (Modifier)

    2.Don't get into a running bus. (pre-modifier)

    3.He is a good teacher. (pre-modifier)

    4.I hate dishonest people. (modifier)

    5.My favorite hobby is gardening. (pre-modifier
    ### please answer the question


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