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Adverb Clause of Extent

10. Averb Clause of Extent
1. As far as I know, the man is honest.
Or, So far as I know, the man is honest.  

Adverb clause of extent: "As far as I know" is the adverb clause of extent in the 1st sentence 
            and "So far as I know" is the adverb clause of extent in the 2nd sentence. 

We also can express these sentences in "Simple sentences" as below:
Simple sentence: As the best of my knowledge, the man is honest.

** Now you can identify the adverb clause of extent as the above one:
2. So far as he can, he will help you.
Or, As far as he can, he will help you. 

(Simple sentence: As the best of his ability, he will help you)

3. So far as I think, Rana will never disfavour you.
Or, As far as I think, Rana will never disfavour you.

(Simple sentence: As the best of my thinking , Rana will never disfavour you.)

4. As far as he knows, none will go with him.
Or, So far as he knows, none will go with him.

(Simple sentence:  As the best his knowledge, none will go with him.) 

5. As far as they are able, they may do for us.
Or, So far as they are able, they may do for us.

(Simple sentence: As the best of their ability, they may do for us.) 

6. As far as may be possible, I’ll try to perform carefully.
Or, So far as may be possible, I’ll try to perform carefully.

(Simple: As far possible, I will try to perform carefully.)

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